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Who cares?, by Olga Blázquez

Performed as part of CAPSULE - PAE (Performance Art Event), in Wolfart Projectspaces, Rotterdam (the Netherlands)

March 2015

Who cares? is a reflection on invisible maintenance tasks that have traditionally been performed by women. It focuses on the importance of these taks and their devaluation within patriarchal societies.

Who cares? es una reflexión acerca de las tareas de mantenimiento que tradicionalmente han sido desarrolladas por mujeres. El principal objetivo es subrayar la importancia de este tipo de tareas así como denunciar su devaluación en el seno de sociedades patriarcales.

Task 1: Sweeping the floor

Task 2: Cooking

Task 3: Cleaning the bathroom

Task 4: Mopping the floor

Task 5: Singing a lullaby for someone to sleep

"Do you even know who the fuck I am? I am the woman who has been sweeping the floor, cooking and cleaning the bathroom while you were drinking a beer. Have you noticed my presence?"

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